Payment requests - FAQ

What does it cost to send a payment request with Cleverific?

Payment Requests are included for all Cleverific plan levels. Cleverific does not charge any additional transaction processing fees for payment requests. Shopify, Shopify Payments, or your payment gateway will still charge you your normal transaction fees per your plans or agreements with them.

Can I use Shopify Payments? What other payment gateways do you support?

You can use Cleverific's Payment Requests with Shopify Payments and any third-party payment gateway supported by Shopify. There is no need to sign up for any new accounts or contract with any new payment gateways in order to use this feature.

Do I have to set up my account or payment gateway to use Payment Requests?

Cleverific uses your existing Shopify Payments or third-party payment gateway settings. If you have Cleverific installed in your store, you can send a payment request with zero additional setup!

What happens to my payment requests if I need to uninstall Cleverific?

If you have any open payment requests and uninstall Cleverific, the app will no longer be able to track and join together the transaction information from your adjustment orders when they are paid, even if you reinstall Cleverific at a later time. This is because Cleverific works in real-time with Shopify to track your orders' financial status. We recommend that you do not uninstall Cleverific if you have any open payment requests. If all of your payment requests have been closed or paid, then you can safely uninstall Cleverific without any issues.

Can I customize the payment request email my customers receive?

The payment request email that your customers receive is fully customizable. Please see Customize Payment Request Email for a complete guide.

My customers are not receiving my payment requests or the email message is getting sent to spam?

This can happen if you have a custom domain for your Shopify store and have set up enhanced email security for your domain. Please see the following guide for more information: Allow Cleverific to Send Payment Requests for Your Store

Can you track when a customer has viewed my payment request?

Not at this time, but this is a feature we have on our roadmap.