Splitting fulfillment on an order

Splitting fulfillment on an order is useful for breaking up an order into different fulfillments, shipping certain products separately, or creating a backorder. 

Splitting a fulfillment with Shopify

Shopify now offers the ability to split the fulfillment of your order. Read more about this in Shopify's Help Center article here.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
  2. Select the order that you want to split a fulfillment for.
  3. Click the ... icon.
  4. Click Split fulfillment.

  1. Adjust the quantity or select the items that you want to split and select Split fulfillment.

The select item will appear split in a different fulfillment:

Note: Splitting an order into two separate orders is a very manual process as of now. Our best recommendation for a more simple workflow would be to duplicate your order and edit each accordingly in Order Editor.

To do so, you can open your order in your Shopify admin and click More Actions > Duplicate.