Disallowing customers to edit orders based on fraud risk level

In the Fraud protection section of your Customer Portal settings, you can decide whether or not you want to disallow your customers to edit orders with a medium and/or a high fraud risk. The default setting is to allow your customers to edit these orders but you can change this anytime.

Disallow order editing with medium fraud risk

  1. Go to Customer Portal settings > Fraud protection section.
  2. Under Decide which fraud risk orders can be edited, check the box next to Customers with medium fraud risk can edit orders. Your changes will be automatically saved.

When this setting is enabled, customers won't be allowed to edit orders with a Shopify fraud analysis determined as "Medium". The fraud analysis can be found on your order page:

Disallow order editing with high fraud risk

  1. Go to Customer Portal settings > Fraud protection section.
  2. Under Decide which fraud risk orders can be edited, check the box next to Customers with high fraud risk can edit orders. Your changes will be automatically saved.

When this setting is enabled, customers won't be allowed to edit orders with a Shopify fraud analysis determined as "High". The fraud analysis can be found on your order page:

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